He Prema Murta Jagi Ale
The form of Love has incarnated on earth.
Хайрын хэлбэр нь газар дээр хувилан төрлөө
Mama Zhale Mana Dhale
My mind is exalted with joy.
Миний сэтгэл баяр баясалд умбан хөөрнө
He Sarva Jagi Sachara le
This love has now spread in the whole world
Энэхүү хайр нь бүхийл дэлхийгээр дэвэн тархжээ хө
1-р бадаг:
Bala Vadana Tava Baghuni Khrista
I see Lord Christ as an eternal child Христ Бурхныг мөнхийн хүүхэд гэдгийг нь олж харлаа.
Sakala Durita Maya Zhale Asta
When the world was drowning into sins
Энэ ертөнц нүгэл харанхуйд автан унахад
Nava Divya Rupa Jagi Lyale
The new Divine form took birth on this earth
Энэ ертөнцөд шинэ Бурхан хувилгаалан төрлөө
Mama Zhale Mana Dhale
My mind is exalted with joy
Миний сэтгэл баяр баясалд умбан хөөрнө
He Sarva Jagi Sachara Le
This love has now spread in the whole world Энэхүү хайр нь бүхийл дэлхийгээр дэвэн тархжээ хө
2-р бадаг:
Manamnatha Sakhaya Tujha Para Na
Oh, Embodiment of Love, as I sing your lullaby (Parana is a song used during the ceremony in which a new born baby is given a name)
“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the atomic age – as in being able to remake ourselves.”
“I claim to be a simple individual liable to err like any other fellow mortal. I own, however, that I have humility enough to confess my errors and to retrace my steps.”
“Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position.”
For cancer best treatment is of water, ie. putting feet in the river, sea or in the water at home with the photograph. Water has the dharma of cleansing and hence Shri Vishnu and Dattatraya responsible for the dharma of human beings are to be worshipped. They help you to cure also the local deity of the chakra that is attacked. Put the patient before the photograph with the candle and his feet in the water, bring down your hands across the sympathetic nervous system towards the water. The patient will cool down gradually. If he gets realization, then he is cured.
(undated letter [1970s] to Dr.Raul in Nirmala Yoga no.8)
You do not have to fix your attention, but you have to get subtler and subtler in your attention. Fixing out of your attention as you know is a very wrong method. That was done by some yogis and you know what is result of that. Their chakras were all broken and finished. When they fix their attention onto Agnya chakra, you have seen that Agnya chakra have broken. You are not to fix any attention, but you have to make your attention subtler and subtler. As I told you that when magnet is brought near the stones, nothing happens to the stones, they are just as they are, you move the magnet as you like. But when you move the magnet to iron’s filings only, the filings are attracted toward the magnet. In the same way the attention of a sahajayogi should be so subtle that he should feel the vibrations, he should think of vibrations, he should eat vibrations, drink vibrations and enjoy that.