Сахажа йог болон Unesco-гийн холбоодын хамтын үйл ажиллагааны нэгэн хэсэг
болгон “Мөнхийн үнэлэмж” нэртэй олон улсын сахажа ( йогчдын) жүжигчдийн бүрэлдэхүүн нь “Урлаг, хөгжим, даяар ёс зүй” сэдвээр өөрсдийн тоглолтоо 3-р
сарын 8-12 хооронд танилцуулан толилуулжээ.
Энэхүү чуулга
уулзалт нь - “өнөөгийн хямрал доройтлын
эсрэг хүн төрлөхтнийг сэхээрүүлэн соёоруулах” UNESCO-гийн уриан доор явагдсан бөгөөд “Дэлхийн
Ес зүйн өдөр”-ийг тогтоох талаар мөн хэлэлцэн ярилцжээ. Хосгүй үнэлэмж бүхий урлаг,
дуу, хөгжмөөр дамжуулан санал бодлоо хуваалцан, эелдэг холбоог тогтооход Итали улсаас албан ёсоор чуулга хуралдааныг зохион байгуулахад нутагтаа хүлээн авчээ.
2010 оноос хойш UNESCO-гийн Энх тайвны төвөөс - Сахажа йогийн бясалгалыг
түншээ болгон, дэлхийн амар амгаланг түгээх үйлдээ сонгон шалгаруулж, амар
амгаланг - юун түрүүнд хувь хүнд дотроос нь тогтоосноор энэ нь гадна бодитоор
илрэнэ гэсэн үйлийг хэрэгжүүлж эхлээд байна.
UNESCO-гийн Энхтайвны төвөөс, албан ёсны түнш
байгууллагуудтай хамтран ажиллаж, боловсрол, шинжлэх ухаан, соёл урлагийн салбарт,
UNESCO-гийн зорилгот бодлогыг нэвтрүүлэн, дэлхийн энх
тайвныг дэмжин ялгаварлалгүй, хүлээцтэй, нийцтэй хандах явдлыг дэвшүүлэн ажиллаж
буй. Тэд (UNESCO) Сахажа йог-г сонгож, тэдний талаар бичихдээ: “энэ бясалгал нь хялбархан мөн
дээд зэргийн хосгүй юм. Энэ нь хүний ядаргааг тайлж, сайн сайхныг нэмэгдүүлдэг юм байна.
Төвлөрөх чадварыг сайжруулж, хувь хүнийг илүү тэнцвэртэй, төв болгоход
тусалж байна. Сахажа йог нь хүний бүхий л
талын нөөц боломжуудыг хөгжүүлж, идэвхжүүлж, бататгаж, цогц нэгдмэл болгоход зориулагдсан арга барил. Манайд болон дэлхий даяар амар амгалан, энх тайвныг түгээх бодит зэмсэг
йогийн тусламжаар, хүн одоо
цагтаа хялбархан (өөрөө өөрөөрөө) байж, сүнслэг болон бодит байдалдаа амгалан, бодол
санаандаа (самуураагүй) аниргүй тайван болдог. Энэхүү бясалгалын аниргүйн амт нь хувьсгал мэт эрс,
мэдэгдэхүйц барьцтай, нэг хичээлийн явцад л үүний үр дүнд хүрэх боломжтой.
хичээллэснээр хүний эрүүл мэндийн асуудал багасч, бүх зүйлстэй/ орчинтойгоо уялдан зохилдох байдалд хүрэх бүрэн боломжтой. Бүхий л түвшинд өөрийгөө
сайжруулах өөртөө оруулах хөрөнгө оруулалт болно. Хичээлүүд нь үнэ төлбөргүй
бөгөөд хэн ч хамрагдах боломжтой.”
Дэлхий даяар хүнд ээлтэй, нийт олонд үр дүнгээ
бодитоор үзүүлдэг Сахажа йога, Шри Матажи багшийн ач тусыг тунхаглан,
төрсөн өдрийг нь тэмдэглэн өнгөрөөжээ. Италийн нийслэл Ром-д хотын
майорын Campidoglio ордонд Сахажа йог болон Шри Матажийн талаар арга
хэмжээ, хурал семинар зохион байгуулсан байна. In Rome In Campidoglio , the main house of the Major of Rome is being celebrating Shri Mataji and presenting Sahaja Yoga.
As part of the
World Council of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Association
(WFUCA), held in Lucca 8 to March 12, Sahaja Yoga will be present with the
international company, founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Theater of Eternal values
(the theater of eternal values) in the conference "universal language of
art and music for a global ethic."
The summit follows the UNESCO appeal for the birth of a new humanism as an antidote to the current crisis of civilization and envisages the establishment of the World Day of Ethics. Italy hosts this event as the home of universal values such as art and music, as fundamental elements of a new system of shared ideals and peaceful relations.
Since 2010, UNESCO Center for Peace has chosen as an official partner of Sahaja Yoga meditation how to support the dissemination of world peace because it says that you can not get it first if individuals do not perceive their own inner peace.
UNESCO Center for Peace, promotes the ideals of UNESCO by creating partnerships with its official partners to operate educational exchanges, scientific and cultural to promote world peace, tolerance and acceptance of difference. They chose Sahaja Yoga because, in their opinion, "this meditation is a simple and famous. It helps to reduce stress and increase well-being of the person. Improves concentration and helps people become more centered and balanced. Sahaja Yoga is designed to develop, strengthen and integrate the human potential in every aspect. Truly become instruments of peace in our country and around the world.
With Sahaja Yoga one can easily be actually present and harness its power to achieve a holistic balance as well as a realistic state of peace and silence of mind. The experience of silence is so revolutionary and tangible can be achieved during a lesson.
With regular practice, health problems can be eliminated and harmony with all things are possible. It 's an investment in themselves essential to improve at every level. All courses and seminars are offered free and anyone can participate. "
The representatives of this company, Victor Vertunni and his "Family & Friends" in the laboratory UNESCO "ethics and music" on the morning of March 10, will present their lecture "Music for a global ethic based on the spiritual growth of the human being "put to music where the best poems of the English poet William Blake on the theme of childhood, of respect for women and the spiritual awakening taken from:" William Blake's songs of innocence and of experience ".
Blake had discovered the subtle connection between the spiritual man and the creative force that created the cosmos. The spiritual message of Blake announces a striking importance for man to an awareness of his surroundings through the experience of his own inner awakening. It is no coincidence then, that during the performance of the Theater of Eternal Values not uncommon to occur spontaneously awakening of the Kundalini energy, which is the basis of the experience of self-realization.
The summit follows the UNESCO appeal for the birth of a new humanism as an antidote to the current crisis of civilization and envisages the establishment of the World Day of Ethics. Italy hosts this event as the home of universal values such as art and music, as fundamental elements of a new system of shared ideals and peaceful relations.
Since 2010, UNESCO Center for Peace has chosen as an official partner of Sahaja Yoga meditation how to support the dissemination of world peace because it says that you can not get it first if individuals do not perceive their own inner peace.
UNESCO Center for Peace, promotes the ideals of UNESCO by creating partnerships with its official partners to operate educational exchanges, scientific and cultural to promote world peace, tolerance and acceptance of difference. They chose Sahaja Yoga because, in their opinion, "this meditation is a simple and famous. It helps to reduce stress and increase well-being of the person. Improves concentration and helps people become more centered and balanced. Sahaja Yoga is designed to develop, strengthen and integrate the human potential in every aspect. Truly become instruments of peace in our country and around the world.
With Sahaja Yoga one can easily be actually present and harness its power to achieve a holistic balance as well as a realistic state of peace and silence of mind. The experience of silence is so revolutionary and tangible can be achieved during a lesson.
With regular practice, health problems can be eliminated and harmony with all things are possible. It 's an investment in themselves essential to improve at every level. All courses and seminars are offered free and anyone can participate. "
The representatives of this company, Victor Vertunni and his "Family & Friends" in the laboratory UNESCO "ethics and music" on the morning of March 10, will present their lecture "Music for a global ethic based on the spiritual growth of the human being "put to music where the best poems of the English poet William Blake on the theme of childhood, of respect for women and the spiritual awakening taken from:" William Blake's songs of innocence and of experience ".
Blake had discovered the subtle connection between the spiritual man and the creative force that created the cosmos. The spiritual message of Blake announces a striking importance for man to an awareness of his surroundings through the experience of his own inner awakening. It is no coincidence then, that during the performance of the Theater of Eternal Values not uncommon to occur spontaneously awakening of the Kundalini energy, which is the basis of the experience of self-realization.